Whats new:
*Extended support for enumerations
*Works on Windows 7 (beta)
*UI enhancements
*Performance improvements
*Minor fixes
Let's have a more close look at the changes.
Extended support for enumerations:
Now you can specify value of the enum parameters either by their name or by numerical value:
by name:
=Func("Financial", "AccrInt",,,,,, "Quarterly", "Actual360",)
by numerical value:
=Func("Financial", "AccrInt",,,,,, 4, 2,)
Works on Windows 7 (beta):
Microsoft has recently released a public beta of Windows 7 (you can download it here) and we decided to test Excel4Net if it is going to work on Windows 7 or not.
To make a long story short - YES it works perfectly:
UI enhancements:
1. Insert Function window now conveniently positions itself next to the active cell (or range of cells) in the worksheet, providing a better user experience when adding a new function calls to the worksheet.
2. The function list now automatically adjusts its width to make sure that a long function names are not truncated and fully visible.
and as usual:
If you have a question, need some assistance to get started, have an idea or found a bug: please post your comment here - we will be happy to discuss and to help.
Thank you.