Sunday, April 26, 2009

Excel4Net v.2.0.6

A new version of Excel4Net is just a few days away, so what to expect?

*You'll be able to create objects and store them in a spreadsheet - by calling a constructor or a method which returns the object.

*Once object is created, it could be passed as parameter to other spreadsheet functions.

*You can also be able to use objects as a this parameter to the instance methods.

*New automatic parameter conversion - e.g. automatic conversion of DateTime object to QLNet.Date (*1)

p.s. QLNet.Date is a part of the QLNet, which is an open source / free library for quantitative finance, which could be downloaded from

Thursday, April 23, 2009

New release: v2.0.5 - release candidate

The important news is v.2.0.5 is a release candidate, so the beta period is almost over!

Based on the overall feedback we found that Excel4Net is quite stable state and though the current version is a stable enough to be promoted to release status, we decided to give it some more time.

In a short, the only new feature of this release is the ability to cache results of function calls, thus eliminating a need to perform calculation if the result is already in the cache.

This new "caching" feature will come really handy if you constantly finding yourself waiting for the whole spreadsheet re-calculation to finish, just because of the change in one cell.

The caching is 100% parameter-based, so please use it with deterministic functions only.

To specify that a call results needs to be cached, just use a"$cached" string as a first parameter to a func()-tion:

NON-cached version:

=func("BlackScholes", "Price", ...)

fast, cached version:

=func("$cached", "BlackScholes", "Price", ...)

This is all for today.

p.s. in a few days I will post about really cool features of the next (2.0.6) version.

Stay tuned.